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The files Command

When you are undecided about installing a subsystem, looking at its contents can help you decide. The files command on the Administrative Commands menu displays the names of the files and directories that a subsystem contains. Arguments to the files command are one or more subsystem, image, or product names.

Example 5-8 shows the format and output of the files command.

Admin> files eoe.sw.quotas 
i U  eoe.sw.quotas           1  f etc/config/quotacheck
i U  eoe.sw.quotas           1  f etc/config/quotas
i U  eoe.sw.quotas              f etc/init.d/quotas
i U  eoe.sw.quotas           1  l etc/rc2.d/S10quotas
i U  eoe.sw.quotas         193  f usr/bsd/quota
i U  eoe.sw.quotas         145  f usr/etc/edquota
i U  eoe.sw.quotas         137  f usr/etc/quot
i U  eoe.sw.quotas         145  f usr/etc/quotacheck
i U  eoe.sw.quotas           1  l usr/etc/quotaoff
i U  eoe.sw.quotas          25  f usr/etc/quotaon
i U  eoe.sw.quotas         129  f usr/etc/repquota
i U  eoe.sw.quotas          28  f usr/sysgen/boot/quotas.o

Example 5-8 : Sample files Display The first, second, and third columns are identical to the first three columns of list output. The installation status in the second column applies to the entire subsystem; it does not indicate whether an individual file is currently installed.

The fourth column shows the net change in disk space that the file will require if it is installed (the first column contains the letter i or is blank) or removed (the first column contains the letter r). The files list does not include the components of a currently installed subsystem that are not included in the new software, since these files are obsolete. For this reason, numbers in this column are not necessarily equivalent to the net disk space change shown by the list command.

The fifth column is a single character that tells the type of file:

fplain file
bblock special file
ccharacter special file
lsymbolic link
pfifo (named pipe)

The sixth column displays the name of every file in every subsystem that matches the arguments specified in the files command.

To get a list of the files in an installed subsystem, use the view command on the Main menu to set the view to the target system. Then return to the Administrative Commands menu and enter this command:

Amin> files names

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