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Changing FLEXlm Software Locations

The FLEXlm configuration script, /etc/config/lmgrd.options, specifies the location of license.dat, the FLEXlm license file. If you decide to change the location of the license file, you can do so by editing /etc/config/lmgrd.options to contain the new location of license.dat.

If you change the location of the license file and you want the FLEXlm application to start automatically at system startup, set the new path with the LM_LICENSE_FILE environment variable. Enter a line like the sample below in the .cshrc file (.profile or .kcshrc for Bourne or Korn shells):


Note: If your license file is not at /var/flexlm/license.dat and you plan to use License Manager, you must use the LM_LICENSE_FILE environment variable to specify the pathname to the license file.

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