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The Preferences List

The tables in this section describe the preferences that you can specify with the set command or from the Customize Installation menus in Software Manager to control the installation process. They list the name of the preference, describe the function that the preference performs, and list the default setting for the preference. Expert preferences are identified in the first column. The fourth column, Value Saved?, indicates whether the preference remains in effect for subsequent installation sessions (yes) or reverts to a default value at the start of a new session (no).

Table 8-1 contains preferences that affect both Inst and Software Manager.

Note: Some preferences in this table contain advisories in the Function column. Be sure to read these advisories carefully before resetting the preference to which they pertain.

Preferences That Affect Inst and Software Manager
Preference NameFunctionDefault SettingValue Saved?


Controls whether an automatic installation is aborted if an error occurs. If true (default), an error cancels the installation; if false, the installation continues after the error occurs. Regardless of setting, errors are reported in /var/inst/INSTLOG.trueyes
always_confirm_quit Controls whether the user is always asked to confirm a quit command. If true, user must confirm a quit; if false (default), no user confirmation is needed after quit.falseyes
autoselect Controls whether inst does an automatic selection of subsystems during initialization and when a new distribution source is specified. If true (default), inst automatically selects subsystems at these events in the session; if false, no subsystems are automatically selected. trueyes
Controls whether an audible signal is given after go processing is complete. If true (default), audible signal rings when go processing finishes; if false, no signal is given. trueyes
Set during a session recovery, when the user selects the action to take after an abnormal exit. If true, the user chose to retry the interrupted installation using the selections made during the session; if false (default), the user chose to either return to the previous session without attempting to install selected software or to ignore the previous session completely.falseno
Controls whether installation and removal selections are saved in the checkpoint file so they can be used in a session recovery. If true, user selections are saved in the file as soon as they are made; if false (default), pending selections are saved when the user enters the go command. falseyes
confirm_quitControls the confirmation prompt for quit commands when selections are pending. If true (default), users are notified if install or removal selections are pending when they enter quit; if false, users are allowed to quit the session without a reminder of pending selections. trueyes
confirm_nfs_installsControls whether user is prompted to confirm installation on NFS mounted filesystems. If on (default), user is prompted for confirmation; if off, files are installed in the NFS filesystem if the user has proper permissions.onyes
Controls handling of configuration files. If true, all configuration files that are in the distribution are installed; if the target version was modified, it is saved in a file with a .O extension. If false (default) and the target version was modified, install the distribution version of the configuration files, appending a .N extension; if the target version was not modified, overwrite it with the new file.falseyes
delayspacecheckControls the timing of disk space calculations. If on, disk space calculations are deferred until the go or space commands are entered, and no space information is provided when list or step commands are entered; if off (default), space calculations are performed at the first list, step, or space command, unless disk space checking was done previously.offyes
detailspacecheckControls the source of the data used in space checking. If on, space requirements for files are determined by checking their sizes on the disk; if off (default), file sizes are assumed to be the value that is recorded in the installation history database.

Advisory: Set on for slower, more accurate, calculations.

delay_conflicsControls whether messages for delayable conflicts (those caused by incompatible software selections), normally posted before installation is performed, are delayed until Inst or Software Manager exit. Valid settings are ask, on, and off. If ask (default), the user is prompted after the first delayable conflict to specify whether subsequent conflict messages should be delayed; the specification remains in effect for the remainder of the session unless the user changes it. If on, delayable conflicts are always postponed until Inst or Software Manager exit. If off, conflicts are presented prior to software installation.askyes
distSpecifies the value of the current distribution source. For live installations, the default value is the previously specified source. For miniroot installations, dist must be specified.

Product names are not saved as part of the value.

Controls whether the image components of each product are displayed when the product list is displayed. If true (default), listings of products do not include their component images. If false, the image components of a product are displayed in product listings.true yes
Turns local caching on and off for installations from network servers that require hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP). If off (default), file caching is done on the server system; if on, file caching is done on the target system.

Advisory: Set to on when network is slow to ensure safe transfers.

Specifies the temporary directory for holding files that are cached during installations from HTTP servers./var/tmpyes
Specifies whether the distribution specification file on the HTTP server must have a special format; this format indicates that software distribution is not centralized in a single directory. If true (default), the distribution specification file has a special format; if false, a normal HTML directory listing, generated by the http server, can be read as a distribution.trueyes
Controls the initial setting of the view command. If subsystem (default), the output of list displays the subsystems in each product that appears in the listing; if image, the output of list displays the images for each product that appears in the listing; if product, the output of list displays product names without product components. subsystemyes
Controls whether files are installed if the distribution version appears identical to the version installed on the target. If true, identical distribution files are installed. If false, distribution files are not installed when they appear identical.trueyes
Contains the list of previous distribution sources (also see the install_site_size preference). N/Ayes
neweroverrideControls whether older products can replace newer ones. If on, users can install older products in place of new ones; if off (default), older products cannot be installed when a more recent version exists on the target.offno
Controls whether space checking is performed. If true, no space checking is done during an installation, allowing disk overflows. If false (default), space checking is performed.

Advisory: Setting true can cause serious installation problems.

Controls whether a completion notice is posted when an installation is completed. If true (default), a completion notice is posted. If false, the user sees a message only if a reboot is required.trueyes
Controls whether user is prompted to specify unknown user IDs (UIDs) and group IDs (GIDs). If true, user is prompted for a UID if one is not found in /etc/passwd and a GID if one is not found in /etc/group. If false (default), inst assigns a UID and GID based on the startid preference and writes them to /usr/adm/SYSLOG. falseyes
rulesoverrideControls whether conflicts can be overwritten. If on, incompatible subsystems and subsystems without prerequisites may be installed on the target. If off (default), incompatibilities and prerequisites must be resolved before installation is done.

Advisory: Use on setting with caution.

Specifies the value to use when setting the $PATH variable for exit operations. If default (default), set to a known path; if environment, set path to $PATH environment variable or use the default path if $PATH is not set; if specific, use the value in set_path_specific preference.defaultyes
Specifies the path to use for exit operations. Value is a user-supplied string.N/Ayes
shellSpecifies the program to use for the sh and shroot Administrative commands. Usually this value is either /bin/sh or /bin/csh./bin/cshyes
short_namesControls product names in listings. If true, only the shortname is displayed in listings; if false, product descriptions are displayed instead of their shortnames.falseyes
show_absolute_sizesSets list and step displays to provide absolute subsystem sizes rather than relative sizes (a comparison between the size of the distribution subsystem and its corresponding subsystem on the target). If on, the absolute subsystem size is displayed; if off (default) the relative size is displayed.

Advisory: Default unit of measure is kilobytes. See also display_size.

Controls whether filenames are displayed during installation. If true, each component file in a product is displayed as it is installed; if false (default), the product name is displayed as it is installed.falseyes
Controls whether user is shown expert preferences in addition to basic preferences. If set to false (default), user sees only basic preferences; if set to true, user sees expert and basic preferences.falseyes
Determines whether inconsistencies in the distribution are displayed during reading (for debugging). If true, inconsistencies are displayed; if false (default), inconsistencies are not reported.falseyes
Controls whether space checking is performed. If true (default), space checking is done at various points in the installation (see the delayspacecheck preference). If false, no space checking is performed.

Advisory: Setting false can cause serious installation problems.

startidSets the starting value of UIDs and GIDs when this information is unknown to inst and promptforid preference is set off (also see promptforid preference). The value of startid is assigned to the first unknown UID and GID; subsequent unknown UIDs and GIDs are incrementa by 1. 60000yes
startup_scriptControls how Inst and Software Manager treat the initialization script file, inst.init. If set to prompt (default), the user is prompted before the script file is executed and the README file is displayed if one exists; for non-interactive installations in which the setting is prompt and the initialization file exists, Inst or Software Manager exit. If set to ignore, inst.init is always ignored. If set to execute, inst.init always executes without prompting the user.promptno
timeoutSpecifies the amount of time, in seconds, that inst allows for a reply from a remote host before retrying the connection. Two retries are done after the initial attempt.

Advisory: Set to a value that is suitable for your network.

120 secondsyes
Works with verbosity preference to control the number of information messages that appear during installation sessions (see also verbosity). If off (default), messages are set to verbosity level 2; if on, messages are set to verbosity level 4. If both verbose and verbosity settings are changed, the most recent setting takes precedence. offyes
Controls the number of informational messages that are displayed during an installation session (see also verbose). Valid settings are 0, silent; 2, verbose off; 4, verbose on; 6, all generated messages. When verbose and verbosity are changed, the most recent setting takes precedence.2yes
Controls whether files are verified by checksum as they are uncompressed or read from the archives. If true (default), checksum verification is performed. If false, no checksum verification is made.trueyes
Table 8-2 contains preferences that affect only Inst.

Note: Some preferences in this table contain advisories in the Function column. Be sure to read these advisories carefully before resetting the preference to which they pertain.

Preferences That Affect Inst Only
Preference NameFunctionDefault SettingValue Saved
always_page_inst Controls whether requested information, such as progress messages during go processing, are displayed in page segments or scrolled off the screen. If true, requested information is displayed in page segments; if false (default), information that is longer than a page scrolls off the screen.falseno
clearpromptControls how throw-away prompts are displayed. If true (default), these prompts are cleared from a line by overwriting with blank spaces; if false, the original prompts remain on the line and a new line is generated to display a new prompt.

Advisory: Set to false on terminals that do not perform line clearing.

display_sizeControls the unit of measure for subsystem sizes. Valid settings are kbytes (default), kilobytes, bytes, or 512-byte blocks.kbytesno
fullmenuControls the display of hidden commands (but not their availability) on the Main menu, Administrative Commands menu, and View Commands menu. If on, hidden commands appear on these menus; if off (default), hidden commands do not appear.offyes
Restricts messages that are displayed on the screen. If false (default), user sees standard status messages, warnings and errors. If true, most status messages are repressed and only warnings, errors, and output requested by the user are posted. True also forces off page_output, show_diskspace, show_legend, show_percent_done, and show_files, and sets verbosity to 1. See also verbose preference, admin save and admin load commands, and the inst (1M) option -F <selections file>.falseyes
inst_visible_resourcesControls the list of preferences that are displayed when the set command is entered with no arguments (see also swmgr_visible_resources). This preference takes multiple values: tty (default) specifies that the displayed list should contain all preferences that apply to the Inst interface; permanent (default) specifies that the displayed list should contain all preferences whose value is maintained in subsequent sessions (until the value is reset); transient specifies that the displayed list should contain all whose value reverts to a default at the end of a session; beginner (default) limits the displayed list to all preferences that are not designated expert; expert specifies that the displayed list contain all preferences whose settings have potentially adverse effects on installation.

Advisory: In your entry, separate values with a comma; no spaces are allowed.

tty permanent transient beginneryes
menusControls whether menus are displayed automatically. If on (default), Main menu is displayed at startup and all menus are displayed when they are invoked; if off, menus are not displayed at startup or invocation, but users can display them manually by entering ? at the menu prompt.

Advisory: Set off for experienced Inst users.

overprintControls the display of the software listing during installation (or removed). If on (default), the same line is used to display the name of each software item as it is installed; the name is overwritten when the next item is installed. If off, a new line is used to display each name; the list scrolls down the screen.onyes
page_outputControls tty device output. If true (default), output is managed by paging that is similar to more (see the more(1M) reference page); if false, output scrolls off the screen. trueno
show_diskspaceControls whether a disk space summary is displayed by the list, step, and recalculate commands. If true (default), the disk space summary is displayed. If false, disk space summaries are suppressed for list, step, and recalculate commands, but can be displayed with the admin space command. See also inst_terse_mode.trueyes
show_legendControls the legend for list displays. If true, the output of list contains an explanation of the mnemonic tags that appear in the listing; if false, the legend is not posted.trueyes
Controls whether task completion messages are posted. If true (default), Inst posts periodic messages during various processing tasks to report the percentage of the task that is completed. If false, no task completion messages are posted.trueno
wrapmodeControls whether displayed lines will wrap or truncate at the screen width limit. If wrap (default), lines longer than the screen width wrap to the next line; if truncate, lines are truncated at the limit of the screen width.wrapyes
Table 8-3 contains preferences that affect Software Manager only.

Preferences That Affect Software Manager Only
Preference NameFunctionDefault Setting Value Saved
auto_inst_newControls whether new products are selected for installation when installation is automatic. If true, all new products are installed during an automatic installation. If false (default), new products are omitted from automatic installations. falseyes
auto_inst_upgrades Controls whether upgrade products are selected for installation when installation is automatic. If true (default), all upgrade products are installed during an automatic installation. If false, upgrade products are omitted from automatic installations.trueyes
Controls whether Software Manager is run as a background or foreground task when invoked from an IRIX shell. If true (default), Software Manager runs as a background task; if false, Software Manager runs as a foreground task.trueyes
Controls how Software Manager is initially presented. If off (default), Software Manager always starts in Automatic Installation mode (selections are automatically made at initialization). If distribution, it starts in Customize Installation mode (the user makes selections) if a distribution was specified; if no distribution was specified, it starts in Automatic Installation mode. If always, Inst starts in Customize Installation mode if a distribution was specified; if no distribution was specified, it starts in Manage Installed Software mode (actions apply to target software only).offyes
Controls whether pane is resized when switching the selection mode (see custom_startup_mode preference). If true (default), the pane size remains the same for all selection modes. If false, pane size is changed when the selection modes are changed.trueyes
space_indicatorControls format of space-checking information. Valid settings are pie, bar, and text.pieyes
Specifies in seconds the frequency with which the Disk Space area is automatically updated; these updates are in addition to the updates that occur when product selections are change. Valid settings are integers; updates are disabled if set to 0.10yes
Controls the level of the product hierarchy that is displayed when Software Manager is invoked. Valid settings are product (default) and subsystem.productyes
swmgr_visible_resourcesControls the set of preferences that are visible in the Preferences dialog (see also inst_visible_resources). These settings are valid: if none, no preferences are displayed in the dialog; if permanent (default), the dialog contains all preferences whose values are retained for subsequent installation sessions (until the value is changed); if transient, the dialog contains preferences whose settings revert to a default at the end of a session; if beginner (default), the dialog contains all preferences that are not designated expert; if expert, the dialog contains preferences whose settings have potentially adverse effects on installation. beginner permanentyes
Controls the contents of the Available Software field. If true, the last distribution source that was used is automatically entered in this field at startup. If false, this field is empty at startup.falseyes

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