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The Preferences File

In the factory-shipped configuration of inst, preference settings are stored in the /var/inst/resources file. However, whenever the original setting for a permanent preference is changed, the new setting is recorded in the .swmgrrc file, which is automatically created at the first change. The automatically generated copy is stored in the root directory, $rbase, for the new software installation at $rbase/var/inst/.swmgrrc.

Each line of the .swmgrrc file contains the name of a preference and its assigned values. Example 8-2 illustrates the format of .swmgrrc entries. It illustrates settings that are expressed as boolean, single choice, multi-value, and integer values.

auto_inst_new: true
display_size: blocks
inst_visible_resources: tty,transient,permanent,beginner,expert
network_retries: 4

Example 8-2 : Sample .swmgrrc File

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