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Changing Detail Space Checking

There may be times when you need very accurate disk space calculations throughout an installation session (when a target has limited disk space, for example). In this case, you can use the detailspacecheck preference of the set command to force detailed space checking to be performed during list and step processing as well as during go processing. To force additional detail space checking, enter this set command before you enter the list or step command in the session:

Admin> set detailspacecheck on 
Inst saves the value of detailspacecheck in the installation history, so it is not necessary to reset this preference if you wish to maintain this level of checking in subsequent sessions. However, increasing the number of detail space checks also increases the amount of time required for the interactive portion of an installation session (the amount of time required for go processing remains the same, regardless of the detailspacecheck setting).

To return to the default space checking behavior, enter this command:

Admin> set detailspacecheck off 

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