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Installing Reference Pages

The reference pages (manual pages) that apply to a product are shipped as a software component of the product. For example, all reference pages and software for Digital Media Development software are shipped in a subsystem of the dmedia_dev product. The subsystems containing reference pages consist exclusively of reference pages.

The software subsystems in a product usually have a corresponding reference page subsystem. The names of the software and reference page subsystems differ only in the image segment of the name. The name for a reference page subsystem always contains the letters .man in the image segment. For example, dmedia_dev contains the software subsystem and a reference page subsystem called

When release notes accompany a product, the product contains an additional .man image that contains the release, in this case. Some reference page subsystems contain reference pages for more than one software subsystem. When you receive your workstation and when you install a software option for the first time, be sure to check the status of reference page subsystems to verify that the reference pages that you want are installed.

The commands that follow are useful for checking and installing reference page subsystems.

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