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Removing Patches

You can remove a patch after it is installed if you wish. When you remove a patch, the original product files in /var/inst/patchbase are automatically reinstalled on the system. Use this procedure as a guideline for removing patches.

  1. Invoke Inst (from the miniroot, if necessary).

    Check the release notes for the product. If the product requires a miniroot installation, invoke Inst from the miniroot to remove the patch (the miniroot is required to reinstall the original product files, in the case); otherwise, invoke Inst from the IRIX command line.

  2. Select the patch for removal.

    Use the remove command from the Inst Main menu to remove the patch:

    Inst> remove patchname

    Note: Do not remove portions of patches; to preserve the integrity of the software product, remove the entire patch.

  3. Enter the go command to complete the removal.

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