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Using Wildcards in Subsystem Names

When you enter subsystem names as arguments to Inst commands, you can use wildcards to shorten your entries. Inst accepts these shell-style wildcards in subsystem names:


Matches one character.


Matches any combination of characters but applies only to the product, image, or subsystem portion of the name in which it is used. In other words, the asterisk (*) does not match characters in the entire subsystem name; it matches only the characters that appear in one segment of a subsystem name (see "Using Product and Image Names" for an explanation of name segments).

[ ]

Matches any enclosed characters or a range of characters separated by a dash.
Table 6-1 illustrates the use of wildcards in product names.

Subsystem Names Specified With Wildcard
eoe.sw.*All sw subsystems in the eoe product
*.man.*All man subsystems in the distribution
*.manAll man images in the distribution
eoe*All products whose names begin with eoe
[a-c]*.sw.*All sw subsystems in products whose names begin with a, b, or c

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