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Available Login Shells

The following login shells are provided with IRIX:


This shell provides a history mechanism (that is, it remembers commands you enter); job control (you can stop processes, place them in background, and return them to foreground); and the ability to use wildcard characters to specify file names. Users can construct sophisticated commands and scripts using a C programming language-like syntax. For a complete description of this shell, see the csh(1) reference page.


This shell is an expansion of the best features of the Bourne shell and the C shell, and allows for command line editing, job control, programming from the shell prompt in the shell language, and other features. For a complete description of this shell, see the ksh(1) reference page.


This is a simpler shell than csh and is also called the Bourne shell after its principle designer. Bourne shell does not contain any kind of history mechanism and uses a somewhat different syntax than csh. It does make use of wildcard characters and is smaller and faster to invoke than csh. For a complete description of this shell, see the sh(1) reference page.


This is a restricted shell, which limits the commands a user can type. The rsh command syntax is identical to sh, except that users cannot perform the following:
The restrictions against /bin/rsh are enforced after profile has been executed.

For complete information about these shells, see the ksh(1), csh(1), and sh(1) reference pages. The rsh restricted shell is described on the sh(1) reference page.

Note: Two shells called rsh are shipped with IRIX. /bin/rsh is the restricted shell. The other shell, in /usr/bsd/rsh, is the Berkeley remote shell. Be careful not to confuse the two. The various startup files that configure these shells are described in the next sections.

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