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Conventions Used in This Guide

These type conventions and symbols are used in this guide:


C++ class names, C++ member functions, C++ data members, function names, language keywords and data types, literal command-line arguments (options/flags), nonalphabetic data types, operators, and subroutines.

Helvetica Bold

Hardware labels


Backus-Naur Form entries, command monitor commands, executable names, filenames, glossary entries (online, these show up as underlined), IRIX commands, manual/book titles, new terms, onscreen button names, program variables, tools, utilities, variable command-line arguments, variable coordinates, and variables to be supplied by the user in examples, code, and syntax statements

Fixed-width type

Error messages, prompts, and onscreen text

Bold fixed-width type

User input, including keyboard keys (printing and nonprinting); literals supplied by the user in examples, code, and syntax statements (see also <>)


Environment variables, operator names, directives, defined constants, macros in C programs


(Double quotation marks) Onscreen menu items and references in text to document section titles


(Parentheses) Following function names--surround function arguments or are empty if the function has no arguments; following IRIX commands--surround reference page (man page) section number


(Brackets) Surrounding optional syntax statement arguments


(Angle brackets) Surrounding nonprinting keyboard keys, for example, <Esc>, <Ctrl-D>


IRIX shell prompt for the superuser (root)


IRIX shell prompt for users other than superuser


Command Monitor prompt
This guide uses the standard UNIX convention for referring to entries in IRIX documentation. The entry name is followed by the section number in parentheses. For example, rcp(1C) refers to the rcp online reference page.

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