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Checking Installed Software With versions

The versions command gives you an inventory of software packages that have been installed using inst(1M). This command can only be run at the system shell prompt, not from the Command Monitor. Software installed by other means is not included in the versions output. Along with the names of the software products, the release revision level numbers are displayed. By default, the output of versions includes all the products and their subsystems and is typically several hundred lines long, so it is often convenient to redirect the output to a file that you can view at your convenience. For a more general look at the products you have installed, without the list of specific subsystems, use the -b (brief) flag.

A sample versions -b output reads as follows (an actual listing will be much longer):

I = Installed, R = Removed
   Name        Date      Description
I  4Dwm        04/29/93  4Dwm -- Default Window Manager, 5.3
I  demos       04/29/93  Graphics Demonstration Program, 5.3
I  desktop_eoe 04/29/93  Desktop Environment, 5.3
I  dps_eoe     04/29/93  Display PostScript, 2.0 
I  eoe1        04/29/93  Execution Only Environment 1, 5.3
I  eoe2        04/29/93  Execution Only Environment 2, 5.3
I  insight     04/29/93  IRIS InSight Viewer, 2.1
I  motif_eoe   04/29/93  Motif Execution Only Environment
I  nfs         04/29/93  Network File System, 5.2

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