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This parameter, when set to 1, specifies that the system should automatically reboot after a kernel panic. This is especially useful for servers or other systems that frequently go unattended or are used remotely, where the user may not conveniently be able to physically reset and reboot the system.

When set to 0, the system must be rebooted from the console. Some systems (those with IP19, IP21, or IP22 processors, check your hinv listing for your processor type) store an environment variable in the PROM monitor called "rebound." If you have this variable and set the reboot_on_panic parameter to -1, your system will check the PROM environment for instructions. If the rebound variable is set to "y" then the system will reboot automatically. If the rebound variable is set to "n" the system will require manual reset. If you set a system without this environment variable to -1, it behaves as though the setting is 0 and does not automatically reboot.


Default: -1 (automatically reboot according to hardware platform implementation) or 0, depending on processor type.

Range: -1, 0, or 1

When to Change

Change this parameter if you wish to automatically reboot after a system panic.

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