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Administration Tools

Depending on the exact configuration of your system, you may have the following tools available for performing system administration:

System Manager

This tool, available on graphics workstations, provides easy access to system administration functions. It features a quick and easy method of performing most system administration tasks. The System Manager is available only on those systems that have graphics capability.

Command-line tools

The IRIX system provides a rich set of system administration tools that have command-line interfaces. These are especially useful for automatically configuring systems with shell scripts and for repairing the system in unusual circumstances, such as when you must log in remotely from another system.

For example, using command-line tools, a site administrator can alter the system automatically at designated times in the future (for instance, to distribute configuration files at regular intervals). These commands are available on all IRIX systems.

Chapter 2 describes procedures that are helpful to you as you perform your system administration duties. These are features of IRIX that are documented elsewhere, but are brought together here as highlights that might otherwise be overlooked. The following features are described:

Chapter 2

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