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Receiving Kernel Messages and Adjusting Table Sizes

In rare instances a table overflows because it isn't large enough to meet the needs of the system. In this case, an error message appears on the console and in /var/adm/SYSLOG. If the console window is closed or stored, you'll want to check SYSLOG periodically.

Some system calls return an error message that can indicate a number of conditions, one of which is that you need to increase the size of a parameter. Table 11-2 lists the error messages and parameters that may need adjustment. These parameters are in /var/sysgen/master.d/kernel.

System Call Errors and Related Parameters
MessageSystem CallParameter
No more processes
fork(2)increase nproc or swap space
linked more shared libraries than limit
exec(2)increase shlbmax
Arg list too long



increase ncargs

Be aware that there can be other reasons for the errors in the previous table. For example, EAGAIN may appear because of insufficient virtual memory. In this case, you may need to add more swap space. For other conditions that can cause these messages, see the Owner's Guide appendix titled "Error Messages".

Other system calls will fail and return error messages that may indicate IPC (interprocess communication) structures need adjustment. These messages and the parameters to adjust are listed in Appendix A, "IRIX Kernel Tunable Parameters."

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