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Tuning an Application

There are many reasons why an application spends a majority of its time in either user or sys space. For our purposes, suspect excessive system calls or poor locality of code.

Typically, you can only tune applications that you are developing. Applications purchased for your system cannot be tuned in this manner, although there is usually a facility to correspond with the application vendor to report poor performance.

If the application is primarily spending its time in user space, the first approach to take is to tune the application to reduce its user time by using the pixie(1) and prof(1) commands. See the respective reference pages for more information about these commands. To reduce high user time, make sure that the program:

Run timex again. If the application still shows a majority of either user or sys time, suspect excessive paging due to poor "locality" of text and data. An application that has locality of code executes instructions in a localized portion of text space by using program loops and subroutines. In this case, try to reduce high user/sys time by making sure that the program:

After you tune your program, run timex again. If sys time is still high, tuning the operating system may help reduce this time.

There are a few other things you can do to improve the application's I/O throughput. If you are on a single-user workstation, make sure that the application:

If you are on a multi-user server, however, it's hard to control how other applications access the system. Use a large size I/O - 16Kb or more. You may also be able to set up separate file systems for different users. With high sys time output from timex, you need to monitor the operating system to determine why this time is high.

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