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Setting a PROM Password

Your system has a facility that allows you to require a password from users who attempt to gain access to the Command Monitor. To set the PROM password, perform the following steps:

  1. Select option 5 from the System Maintenance Menu to enter the Command Monitor. You see the Command Monitor prompt:

    Command Monitor. Type "exit" to return to the menu.


  2. Enter the command:


  3. Issue the passwd command:


    You see the prompt:

    Enter new password:

  4. Enter the password you want for your machine and press <Return>. You see the prompt:

    Confirm new password:

    Enter the password again, exactly as you typed it before. If you typed the password the same as the first time, you next see the Command Monitor prompt again. If you made a mistake, the system prints an error message and you must begin again. If you see no error message, your password is now set. Whenever you access the Command Monitor, you will be required to enter this password.

It is very important that you choose and enter your password carefully, because if it is entered incorrectly or forgotten, you may have to remove a jumper on the CPU board of your system. This procedure is different for each system type, and is described in your Owner's Guide. Some systems, though, allow you to reset the PROM password from IRIX by logging in as root and issuing the following command:

nvram passwd_key ""

The quotation marks with no characters or space between them are essential to remove the PROM password. You must be root to perform this operation.

The resetpw command within the Command Monitor also resets the PROM password.

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