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Syntax of Command Monitor File Names

When you specify file names for Command Monitor commands, use this syntax:


If you do not specify cntrlr, unit, and partition, they default to zero. The notation shows that you can specify only a cntrlr, a cntrlr and unit, or all three variables. The commas are significant as place markers. For example, the root partition (partition 0) on a single SCSI disk system is shown as:



The /usr partition (partition 3) on the same disk would be written as:


The Command Monitor defines the devices shown in Table 4-3.

Device Names for Command Monitor Commands
Device NameDescription
dkipthe ESDI disk controller (ips in IRIX)
dkscthe SCSI disk controller (dks in IRIX)
tpscthe SCSI tape controller (tps in IRIX)
xylthe SMD disk controller (xyl in IRIX)
ipithe IPI disk controller (ipi in IRIX)
ttyCPU board duart
tty(0)the local console
tty(1)the remote console
gfxthe graphics console
consolethe ''pseudo console'' which may be one of gfx(0), tty(0), or tty(1).
bootpEthernet controller using bootp and TFTP protocols
tpqicthe quarter-inch QIC02 tape drive

The PROM device notation is different from IRIX device notation. Certain environment variables (such as root and swap) are passed to higher level programs, and often require IRIX notation for the /dev device name. For example, in PROM notation, an ESDI disk partition most commonly used for swap is written:


In IRIX notation, the same disk is:


Syntax of ARCS PROM File Names

Systems that use the ARCS prom (including Indy, Indigo2, Indigo R4K, CHALLENGE, Onyx, and others) use a slightly different syntax for specifying pathnames and disk partitions.

ARCS pathnames use the same syntax as the hardware inventory. The pathnames are written as a series of "type(unit)" components that parallel the hardware inventory format.

Old style pathnames are automatically converted to new style pathnames, so the old names can still be used. The PROM will match the first device described by the pathname, so full pathnames are not always required. Some examples of common pathnames are shown in Table 10-4.

ARCS File Names
ARCS Naming ConventionPathname or Device
serial(0)first serial port
keyboard()graphics keyboard
video()graphics display

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