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Stopping the Objectserver

To stop the objectserver, log in as root and issue the command:

/etc/init.d/cadmin stop

This stops the objectserver until you use the same script to restart the daemon with the start command.

If the objectserver daemons are not running, much of the administrative functionality is lost:

System Manager

The System Manager tool will not start up. If you select the System Manager, you see a message from the chost tool saying ''Cannot communicate with <hostname>. Perhaps there is no objectserver available on this system.''

User Manager

The User Manager also does not start up. When you first select the User Manager, it appears to be working correctly in that you see the message ''Looking up user accounts. Please wait.'' However, after some time a message appears from the cpeople tool saying ''The network did not respond correctly. Please try again. If it still does not respond, see the section on Troubleshooting Network Errors in the online Personal System Administration Guide.''

Monitor Disk Space

Monitor Disk Space does not work without the objectserver. If you attempt to select this service, the cfile tool gives this error message: ''The network did not respond correctly. Please try again. If it still does not respond, see the section on Troubleshooting Network Errors in the Online Personal System Administration Guide.''

Media Daemon

The removable media device icons do not work in the absence of the objectserver. They show their generic icon on the desktop.
These tools will work again if you restart the objectserver with the chkconfig command and a reboot or the command:

/etc/init.d/cadmin start

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