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Starting the cadmin Daemons

The following list describes how each daemon in the cadmin object system is started. By default, all these daemons are started at boot time. If you have the cadmin system installed on your machine, you should not need to start these daemons manually. This information is provided in the event that someone has turned these daemons off or the software is not working properly.


The bootup script /etc/init.d/cadmin checks the value of the objectserver variable with the chkconfig command at boot time. Use the chkconfig(1M) command if you need to check that this daemon is running or make a change to its status at the next boot.

To change the status of this daemon while the system is running, use the command script:

/etc/init.d/cadmin [ start | stop ]


The bootup script /etc/init.d/cadmin also checks the value of the directoryserver variable with chkconfig at boot time. Use the chkconfig(1M) command if you need to check that this daemon is running or make a change to its status at the next boot.

To change the status of this daemon while the system is running, use the command script:

/etc/init.d/cadmin [ start | stop ]


The File Manager is started by default on most systems. The existence of a file named .desktop or .nodesktop in a user's home directory causes the daemon to abort. If the File Manager is not running, it can easily be invoked by choosing the Desktop and then the Home Directory items from the Toolchest on your screen.


The Desktop Overview is controlled by the user through the Toolchest. Select the Desktop item on your toolchest and then the Desks Overview item.


The /usr/lib/X11/xdm/Xsession.dt file sets the background daemon to be started at boot time. This can be prevented only by commenting out the appropriate line in the Xsession.dt file.


The bootup script /etc/init.d/mediad checks the value of the mediad variable with chkconfig(1M) at boot time or whenever the mediad script is invoked as a direct command. Use the chkconfig(1M) command if you need to check that this daemon is running or make a change to its status at the next boot.

To change the status of this daemon while the system is running, use the command script:

/etc/init.d/mediad [ start | stop ]


The /usr/lib/X11/xdm/Xsession.dt file checks the value of the soundscheme variable with chkconfig at boot time. Use the chkconfig(1M) command if you need to check that this daemon is running or make a change to its status at the next boot.

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