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Chapter 6: Configuring Disk and Swap Space

For a variety of reasons, users often accumulate files without realizing how much disk space they are using. This is not so much a problem for workstation users, but it is a real problem for servers, where multiple users must share system resources. IRIX provides a number of utilities to help you manage disk usage.

You also may need to allocate disk space for the system to use as swap space. Swap space is disk space allocated to be used as medium-term memory for the operating system kernel. Lack of swap space limits the number and size of applications that may run at once on your system, and can interfere with system performance.

This section provides you with some background information and tips on the tools and options available to you. For specifics on setting and maintaining disk quotas, see the IRIX Admin: Disks and Filesystems Guide.

Useful Disk Usage Commands
Swap Space

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