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Write to a User

Use the write command to write messages to a user on the system. For example:

write ralph

User ralph sees this on his screen:

Message from root on brooklyn (console) [ Tue Feb 26 16:47:47 ] ...

You can wait for ralph to respond, or you can begin typing your message. If the other user responds, you see a similar message on your screen.

Type your message. As you press <Return>, each line of your message is displayed on the other user's screen.

Usually a write session is a dialogue, where each user takes turns writing. It is considered good etiquette to finish your turn with a punctuation mark on a line by itself, for example:

I noticed that you are using over 50 meg of disk space.Is there anything I can do to help you reduce that? >

Entering the greater-than symbol indicates you are through with your paragraph and are waiting for user ralph to respond. The other user should choose a different punctuation character to indicate when he is through with his turn.

You can prevent other users from writing to you with write by making their terminal or window unwriteable. Use the mesg command:

mesg n

The n argument makes your terminal or window unwriteable, and the y argument makes it writable. The superuser can write to any terminal or window, even if the user has made his or her terminal unwriteable with mesg n.

The talk(1) utility is similar to write(1), and is preferred by some users.

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