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Before Connecting to the Internet

Before you sign up for an internet connection, consider what level of service you need. For example, if you are an individual looking for basic e-mail, news, and file transfer capabilities, it probably wouldn't make sense to install a dedicated network cable in your home for economic reasons. A better choice for single-user access might be to subscribe to a network provider who establishes an account for you on their system (one that is currently connected to Internet). Typically, access to their system is through a modem connection.

If you are trying to establish a connection to the Internet for a corporation, you will likely need the bandwidth of a leased line, and all the required hardware that goes with it. You will have to take into consideration the many administrative issues of running a site. These issues include, but are not limited to

There are providers of network connectivity that can provide varying levels of service. You must investigate the providers, and decide who provides the level of service you need, at the appropriate cost.

If you choose an individual account on a provider's machine, the service provider deals with most, if not all, of the administrative tasks, and you simply enjoy access to the Internet.

If you would like a broader range of services, most providers will set you up with a dedicated modem and phone line for your exclusive use, or they can provide a network-only service (using SLIP, PPP, or UUCP), either through modems or other network connections.

Connecting your network to the Internet requires a number of steps, including arranging name servers, obtaining a network number, and registering a domain name for your organization. Many Internet service providers are willing to provide these services for a fee.

If you are trying to set up internet access for a company, or corporation, you should research the issues listed above. Based on the information you obtain, formulate a plan for your site based on the needs and expectations of your organization. One of the best sources of information is the Internet itself. You should first obtain an individual account from a local provider. With the individual account, you can gain access to a large amount of information pertaining to establishing a site on the Internet.

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