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Performance Planning

You can circumvent some performance bottlenecks with appropriate planning. These bottlenecks might occur as a result of your choice of media, topology, number of network devices, controller boards, or network design.

Choice of media

Be sure the capacity of the medium you have selected is adequate for the network size and data transmission type (large or small volumes of data, sporadic or steady traffic). For example, Ethernet has a range of capacities depending on the specific type of Ethernet cable used (10base5, 10base2, or 10baseT). Media type is also a factor in data degradation. For example, 10baseT is unshielded twisted pair and is more sensitive to environmental conditions than 10base5. This should be a consideration if you are planning a network for a manufacturing environment that produces a high degree of electrostatic discharge.

Number of devices

Network devices can cause degradation to the network performance. Use repeaters only when necessary. Each additional devices introduces additional resistance onto the network.

Choice of controller

Choose the most efficient controller for your media. For example, Silicon Graphics supplies a standard Ethernet controller. An optional Efast(TM) card handles more of the protocol processing in hardware and frees the station's CPU for other processing.

Design of network

Think about the design of your network before you begin setting it up. If possible, put departments that interact heavily on the same network to decrease router traffic. Use dedicated routers to handle heavy traffic between networks.

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