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Testing the UUCP Connection

There are two basic tools for testing a UUCP connection:

Testing With cu

The cu program is used to test the basic functionality of the UUCP connection. When you use cu directly, you are performing the login process as if you were the uucp programs. The cu command is also used for direct modem connections for terminal emulation. The -d option to cu is used for diagnostics and causes traces of information to be printed out to the standard output (your shell window). You should always use this mode when testing a UUCP connection.

The following command tests the physical connection to the remote station, UUCP configuration files, operating system files, and the uucico daemon on the remote station.

Note: The default permissions on devices (/dev/ttyf2) are set to 622. For cu to access your device, you need to change the permissions to 666.

  1. The cu command must be run from the local (calling) station. Execute the cu command from the local station (japan) as follows:

    /usr/bin/cu -d us

    You get output similar to the following:


    Device Type us wanted

    mlock ttyf2 succeeded

    filelock: ok

    fixline(5, 9600)

    processdev: calling setdevcfg(cu, us)

    gdial(direct) called

    getto ret 5

    device status for fd=5



    call _mode(1)


    _receive started

    transmit started

  2. When the system pauses, press <Return>.

  3. When you see the login prompt, log in as nuucp and supply the password for nuucp. (In this case, the password is secret):

    Break your connection with a tilde(~) dot(.) and a carriage return (<CR>).

    us login: nuucp

    Password: secret

    IRIX System V Release 3.3.2 us

    Copyright (c) 1988,1989,1990 Silicon Graphics, Inc.

    All Rights Reserved.


    call tilda(.)

    call _quit(0)

    call _bye(0)


    call cleanup(0)

    call _mode(0)

Testing With Uutry

Uutry is the program that tests the copy-in/copy-out program (uucico). uucico must be functioning properly before you can actually transfer data. Issue the Uutry command from the local station (japan) to the remote station (us):

/usr/lib/uucp/Uutry us 
You should see output similar to the following:

/usr/lib/uucp/uucico -r1 -sus  -x5 >/tmp/us 2>&1&
mchFind called (us)
Device Type us wanted
mlock ttyf2 succeeded
processdev: calling setdevcfg(uucico, us)
gdial(direct) called
getto ret 5
expect: (ogin:)

Note: The system may pause here for several minutes.

sendthem (^M)
expect: (ogin:)
^M^M^J^M^J^Jus login:got it
sendthem (nuucp^M)
expect: (ssword:)
nuucp^M^JPassword:got it
sendthem (secret^M)
Login Successful: System=us 
Rmtname us, Role MASTER, Ifn - 5, Loginuser - root
rmesg - 'P' got Pg
wmesg 'U'g
Proto started g
*** TOP ***  -  role=1, setline - X
wmesg 'H'
rmesg - 'H' got HY
wmesg 'H'Y
cntrl - 0
send OO 0,exit code 0
Conversation Complete: Status SUCCEEDED
When you see "Status SUCCEEDED," Uutry has successfully tested uucico. Press <Ctrl-C> to break out of Uutry.

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