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Hardware Requirements for UUCP

Before your computer can communicate with other computers through UUCP, you must set up the hardware to complete the communications link. The cables and other hardware you will need depend on how you want to connect the computers: direct links, telephone lines, or local area networks.

Note: Refer to IRIX Admin: Peripheral Devices and the Personal System Administration Guide for information on setting up modems and other hardware.

Direct links

You can create a direct link to another computer by running cables between serial ports on the two computers. Direct links are useful if two computers communicate regularly and are physically close--within 50 feet of each other. You can use a limited-distance modem to increase this distance somewhat. Transfer rates of up to 38,400 bits per second (bps) are possible when computers are directly linked. Such direct links are now rarely used because local area networks provide faster, easier-to-use connections.

Telephone lines

Using a modem capable of dialing telephone numbers, your computer can communicate with other computers over standard phone lines. The modem dials the telephone number requested by the networking utilities. The computer it is trying to contact must have a modem capable of answering incoming calls.

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