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Choosing TCP/IP or UUCP

This section compares UUCP and the TCP/IP protocol suite for various purposes. You can use them together, each for the tasks for which it is best suited. Both UUCP and TCP/IP software are standard features of the IRIX operating system. To use the TCP/IP software, you must have one of these communications mechanisms:

To use UUCP, you must be connected to a serial network or to any TCP/IP network.

TCP/IP provides reliable interactive and batch services. UUCP is a batch-mode service; when you issue a uucp command, it is placed in a queue with other commands. The system checks the queue at regular intervals and executes the commands that it finds. After your command is carried out, UUCP reports the results of the command. The time it takes to carry out a command on a remote station varies on different stations. Table 7-1 shows a comparison of features of TCP/IP and UUCP.

Comparison of TCP/IP and UUCP
TCP/IP FeaturesUUCP Features
runs on Ethernet and FDDI, and over serial linesruns over serial lines or over TCP/IP links
transfers files interactivelytransfers files in batch mode
executes commands on remote stations interactivelyexecutes commands on remote stations in batch mode
sends mail interactively or in batch modesends mail in batch mode
starts a shell on a remote stationstarts a shell on a remote station
provides remote login facilities with rlogin/telnetprovides remote login facilities with cu
transfers data to any station running TCP/IPtransfers data to any station running UUCP

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