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Configuring a Caching-Only Server

Use this procedure to set up a caching-only server:

  1. Log in as root.

  2. Move to the named example directory:

    cd /var/named/Examples

  3. Copy the template files to the /var/named directory:

    cp named.boot.master root.cache /var/named

  4. Move named.boot.master to the default filename:

    cd ..

    mv named.boot.master named.boot

  5. Modify named.boot to look like the following:

    more named.boot


    ;Boot file for,caching-only server for


    ;Note that there should be one primary entry for each SOA




    directory /var/named

    ;type domain source host/file backup file

    cache . root.cache

  6. Use the same localhost.rev file you installed on your primary server.

  7. Use the same root.cache file you installed on your primary server.

  8. Enable named and reboot the station with the following commands:

    chkconfig named on


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