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Sample PPP Configuration for Dial-Out

The main configuration file for PPP is /etc/ppp.conf. This file is described in detail in the ppp(1M) reference page. Here is an example of a ppp.conf file:

salad     out 

          quiet add_route
This entry describes an outgoing connection from a standalone system to a remote host named "," which acts as a gateway to the network. The entry specifies demand-dialed (quiet) mode. Stand-alone clients should usually include the add_route keyword to set up a default route through the PPP server. The entry salad should match an entry in the /etc/uucp/Systems file, such as the following:

salad Any ACUSLIP 38400 555-1212 "" @\r\c ogin--ogin: ppp-caesar \
ssword: mypasswd PPP
IRIX PPP sends out the message "starting PPP" before starting the protocol; therefore, the chat script shown above waits to receive the string "PPP" to ensure that the login has succeeded. If you are connecting to a non IRIX system, you may need to remove the "PPP" string from this example.

There must be at least one ACUSLIP entry in the /etc/uucp/Devices file:

ACUSLIP ttyf2 null 38400 212 x t25slip
This entry specifies that ttyf2 is connected to a Telebit 2500 modem.

You should also have your /etc/inittab file set up to expect the modem port speed you are using (in this case, 38400 bps) and to have getty or uugetty turned off. Specific details on editing the /etc/inittab file and restarting telinit are found in IRIX Admin: Peripheral Devices. The following entry works with the above listed file entries for PPP:

t2:23:off:/etc/uucp/uugetty ttyd2 dx_38400  # ppp modem
You may use dial-out PPP with the above-listed entry, but for dial-in PPP, you need to configure uugetty to answer the line, as described in IRIX Admin: Peripheral Devices.

It is important to note that the above-listed entries are simply examples of one configuration that works for one example site. The same entries may not yield satisfactory results in every case, due to other differences in site configuration and modem manufacturer and model. For example, the PPP site you are dialing into may require different settings in the /etc/ppp.conf file, and the entry in the Devices file assumes a specific brand and model of modem. Also, the example assumes you have configured the modem as described in "Installing a Modem" in IRIX Admin: Peripheral Devices.

When you have configured the files, you must issue the ppp command as root. The following command works for the above-listed example file entries:

ppp -r salad
For complete information on the ppp command and its options, see the ppp(1M) reference page.

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