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Configuration Files for Dial-Out

This section describes the various configuration files for SLIP and PPP:


The /etc/uucp/Systems file contains the information your system needs to dial up another system. The remote station's node name and telephone number, as well as the local modem's speed and a password, are all kept here and are used to log in to the remote station. The format for a line representing a SLIP or PPP connection in the systems file is

system Any type speed phone login-script

system specifies the name of the remote system. type gives the name of an entry in the Devices file, specifying a line and modem type. speed specifies the speed of the connection between the system and the modem. phone specifies the phone number for the remote system. The login-script tells SLIP or PPP how to log into the remote system.

In this example, the local station "wenders" uses this line in its /etc/uucp/Systems file to call station lynch. The connection is made at 38,400 bps. The password is "hopper." SLIP logs in to the remote station by responding with "slip-wenders" to the login prompt, and "hopper" to the password prompt.

lynch Any ACUSLIP 38400 5551212 "" \r\c ogin:--ogin: slip-wenders \
asswd: hopper SLIP
The information must be in one continuous line. The last string, "SLIP," forces the local station to wait for the remote station to announce that it is starting the SLIP protocol.

The third field in the systems file (in this case, "ACUSLIP") specifies the modem line to be used to call the remote station. There must be at least one entry matching this field in the /etc/uucp/Devices file.

For more information on the /etc/uucp/Systems file, see "The Systems File".


The file /etc/uucp/Devices is used to configure the desired device, modem speed, and dialer program for SLIP on your IRIS station. The correct format for a line appropriate for SLIP in /etc/uucp/Devices is:

type device null speed 212 x dialer

The first field, type, can be any string you like, but it should correspond with the type specified in the Systems file. If you have multiple modems that can be used interchangeably, they should all have the same type name--the system automatically selects one of these modems when making a call. The type name ACUSLIP is commonly used to designate a modem for use with SLIP or PPP.

device can be any flow-control device associated with a port not currently in use. speed should be the speed of the connection between your system and the modem. dialer can be any dial program listed in /etc/uucp/Dialers.

If you want to configure more than one modem speed, use a different port, or use a modem that supports a different command set, create a new line in the devices file that reflects the change.

For example, the following line configures SLIP to use a TelebitTM T2500 modem at 38,400 bps on the serial port 2 hardware flow control device:

ACUSLIP ttyf2 null 38400 212 x t25slip

For more information on the /etc/uucp/Devices file, see "The Devices File".


The /etc/uucp/Dialers file contains entries for various types of modems. The dialer field in the Devices file should refer to one of these entries.

You shouldn't need to add an entry to the dialers file, unless you are installing a type of modem not supported by IRIX. If you do need to add or modify an entry in the dialers file, see "The Dialers File".


The port you specified in /etc/uucp/Devices must be configured for dial-out or dial-in/dial-out use in the /etc/inittab file. If you set up your modem for dial-out or dial-in/dial-out use as directed in "Installing a Modem" in IRIX Admin: Peripheral Devices, the /etc/inittab file should already be set up correctly.

For example, if you want to use ttyf2 for dial-out SLIP, the line for ttyf2 in /etc/inittab should read

t2:23:off:/etc/getty ttyf2 co_38400 # port 2

This line turns off the getty program on port number 2.

If the link can be initiated by either station, you must turn on uugetty. For example, to configure a symmetric link using Telebit T2500 modems, change the line to

t2:23:respawn:/usr/lib/uucp/uugetty -Nt 60 -it25in,conn ttyf2 dx_38400

Changes made to /etc/inittab are acted upon when init reexamines the /etc/inittab file. To make init reexamine /etc/inittab immediately, use this command:

/etc/telinit q

For more information, see inittab(4).


The /etc/ppp.conf file is used to specify options for PPP connections. Each entry in the file consists of a host name and a set of options. For example:

salad     out 

          quiet add_route
This example specifies a connection between the local host and a remote machine called The out keyword specifies that this is an outgoing connection. The quiet keyword specifies a demand-dialed connection (see "Demand Dialing"). The add-route keyword tells PPP to set up a default route through

For a complete list of options for the ppp.conf file, see the ppp(1M) reference page.

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