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Converting lv Logical Volumes to XLV Logical Volumes

This section explains the procedure for converting lv logical volumes to XLV logical volumes. The files on the logical volumes are not modified or dumped during the conversion. You must be superuser to perform this procedure.

  1. Choose new names for the logical volumes, if desired. XLV, unlike lv, only requires names to be valid filenames (except periods, ".", are not allowed in XLV names), so you can choose more meaningful names. For example, you can make the volume names the same as the mount points you use. If you mount logical volumes at /a, /b, and /c, you can name the XLV volumes a, b, and c.

  2. Unmount all lv logical volumes that you plan to convert to XLV logical volumes. For example:

    # umount /a

  3. Create an input script for xlv_make by using lv_to_xlv:

    # lv_to_xlv -o scriptfile

    scriptfile is the name of a temporary file that lv_to_xlv creates, for example /usr/tmp/xlv.script. It contains a series of xlv_make commands that can be used to create XLV volumes that are equivalent to the lv logical volumes listed in /etc/lvtab.

  4. If you want to change the volume names, edit scriptfile and replace the names on the lines that begin with vol with the new names. For example, change:

    vol lv0


    vol a

    The volume name can be any name that is a valid filename.

  5. By default, all lv logical volumes on the system are converted to XLV. If you do not want all lv logical volumes converted to XLV, edit scriptfile and remove the xlv_make commands for the volumes that you do not want to change. See the section "Creating Volume Objects With xlv_make" in this chapter and the xlv_make(1M) reference page for more information.

  6. Create the XLV volumes by running xlv_make with scriptfile as input:

    # xlv_make scriptfile

  1. If you converted all lv logical volumes to XLV, remove /etc/lvtab:

    # rm /etc/lvtab

  2. If you converted just some of the lv logical volumes to XLV, open /etc/lvtab for editting to begin removing the entries for the logical volumes you converted.

    # vi /etc/lvtab

  3. Edit /etc/fstab so that it automatically mounts the XLV logical volumes at startup. These changes to /etc/fstab are required for each XLV logical volume:

  4. Mount the XLV logical volume, for example:

    # mount /a

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