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Configuring the System for More Than Ten XLV Logical Volumes

By default, a system can have up to ten XLV logical volumes. To increase the number of XLV logical volumes supported, you modify the file /var/sysgen/master.d/xlv. The procedure is:

  1. Using any editor, open the file /var/sysgen/master.d/xlv, for example:

    # vi /var/sysgen/master.d/xlv

  2. Find this line in the file:

    #define XLV_MAXVOLS 10

  3. Change the 10 in this line to a higher number of your choice, for example:

    #define XLV_MAXVOLS 20

  4. Write the file and quit the editor.

  5. Generate a new kernel:

    # /etc/autoconfig

  6. Reboot the system to make the change take effect:

    # reboot

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