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Deleting an XLV Object

Caution: The procedure in this section can result in the loss of data if it is not performed properly. It is recommended only for experienced IRIX system administrators. You can delete a volume or any other XLV object by using the xlv_mgr command. The procedure is:

  1. If you are deleting a volume, you must unmount it first. For example:

    # umount /vol1

  2. Start xlv_mgr and list each object on the system:

    # xlv_mgr

    xlv_mgr> show -long all

    VOL root_vol (complete)

    VE [active]

    start=0, end=988091, (cat)grp_size=1

    /dev/dsk/dks0d2s0 (988092 blks)

    VE [active]

    start=0, end=988091, (cat)grp_size=1

    /dev/dsk/dks0d2s7 (988092 blks)

    This example shows one high-level object, a volume with two plexes in a data subvolume ( and Each plex has one volume element.

  3. If the element you want to delete is not a high-level object, you must first detach it from its high-level object. For example, to delete one of the plexes in the example, it must first be detached:

    xlv_mgr> detach plex plex_to_be_deleted

    Detached objects must be given a name, in this case plex_to_be_deleted.

  4. Delete the object, in this example the plex plex_to_be_deleted:

    xlv_mgr> delete object plex_to_be_deleted

  5. Confirm that the object is gone:

    xlv_mgr> show -long all

    VOL root_vol (complete)

    VE [active]

    start=0, end=988091, (cat)grp_size=1

    /dev/dsk/dks0d2s0 (988092 blks)

  6. Exit xlv_mgr:

    xlv_mgr> quit

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