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What is the Internet?

The Internet is a vast, connected network of heterogeneous computer resources, spanning the globe and growing daily. Increasingly, individuals and organizations are finding access to the Internet to be of importance for a wide variety of services and resources pertinent to their businesses and other interests, including electronic mail, access to vast information archives, and keeping abreast of current developments in a host of areas.

Undoubtedly the most recent spur to the growth of interest in Internet access is the development of the World Wide Web, which provides for both a "friendly" graphical interface to Internet resources and a standardized means of presenting and accessing them. Products designed for this market, such as WebFORCE, allow their users to establish an Internet presence that can be accessed from around the world.

The Internet presents ways to share data that you want to share, but you must take measures to protect data that you want protected. This section addresses an important aspect of this internetworked accessibility: the need to establish and maintain the security of local computers and computer networks. Specifically, computer sites have a need and a right to determine the privacy and safety of their data from competitive interests as well as outright software vandalism.

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