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General File and Directory Permissions

Be conservative when establishing or changing permission bit settings on all files and directories. The safest settings do not allow write access, but where this is not possible, it may be possible to limit write access to the owner of the file or directory, or at least just to the owner and the group.

You should not be running the rfindd daemon, because it allows external access to your file, directory, and permissions listing. Use chkconfig to turn this daemon off if it is on. Refer to rfindd(1M) and chkconfig(1M) for more information.

Refer to the chmod(1) reference page for a discussion on setting the sticky bit on such directories as /tmp to restrict removal and renaming of files.

The following files and directories are universally available for read and write access on IRIX as shipped. Depending on your site requirements, you may wish to change the permissions on these files to be more restrictive.

Caution: Restricting permissions on historically open directories, such as /tmp, /usr/tmp.O, and /var/tmp (linked to /usr/tmp), can cause serious malfunctions in many programs, applications, and system utilities that write temporary files on behalf of users in these directories. Below is a partial list of such directories.

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