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Internet Resources

Various resources addressing security are provided on the Internet itself. Pointers (URLs) are provided here rather than including the information in full, as the material is frequently updated.

Internet resources relating to system security include answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs) from various newsgroups; documents concerning the history, practice, and theory of security; bulletins on new security issues; interactive mailing lists discussing security issues, and so on. Listed below are pointers to some of these resources.

World Wide Web Resources for System Security

Here are some URLs (universal resource locators) that can connect you to information to various sources of security information on the World Wide Web (WWW):

Note that URLs change and some of these may already be out of date. Use a good WWW search tool and search for various key words such as "security," "network security," and "firewall" to find others.

USENET News Groups

Here are some news groups you can subscribe to that can help you keep up-to-date on security issues:

Commercial and Free Products

Contact your Silicon Graphics sales representative for information on the Gauntlet(TM) for IRIX and other security-related products. Silicon Graphics also has Netscape(TM) products, which support secure Internet access through encrypting and proxying servers.

Some additional products that are available are mentioned below, but note that mention here does not imply any endorsement by Silicon Graphics, and configuration and support of these products is either supplied by their vendors or by you.

Connecting to the Internet

The issues can be complex and confusing when trying to find the best way to connect to the Internet. Look at the Welcome page for the WebFORCE(TM) Netscape Navigator(TM) for the local link Connecting to the Internet, which provides basic information and pointers to help you if you have yet to establish an Internet connection.

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