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Proper and Improper Management

Frequently, actions taken by the Administrator or root result in unusual audit records. With the enhanced privilege of these accounts, it is not unusual for more audit records of potential concern to be generated. Again, it is rare for a record to be generated that cannot be explained by the normal usage of the system or by simple human error.

Modifications of System Data Files

Every modification of system data files is of interest to the auditor. Since these data files are not only under system security but in fact define system security, any unauthorized access can result in a total breach of security.

Each site has individual policies on how users are added to or removed from the system, how access control of files and hardware is administered, how network connectivity is maintained and administered, and a host of other issues. It is the responsibility of the auditor at each site to enforce the policies of the site and to use the auditing tool effectively to exercise that responsibility.

If you are running Trusted IRIX/B, system data files should be modified only with the dedicated editing tool, dbedit, and never with general-purpose text editors. Only privileged users can use the dbedit tool, and only privileged users have permission to alter the contents of the system data files. Any use of any other editor on a system data file is a violation of security policy and should be noticed by the auditor. If your interpreted audit trail contains sat_open records where the Actual name field contains the string "/secadm," check that the Process ID field (which gives both the PID and the name of the program being executed) does not contain "vi," "ex," "emacs" or any other commonly available text editor. This field should contain only the name "dbedit."

Modifications of Attributes of System Programs

The Administrator should never modify permissions, ownership, or labels of system programs. If your audit trail contains evidence that the administrator has attempted to change attributes of system programs, you should investigate and find the reason for the change. Again, the explanation given is likely to be valid, and this is not good cause to suspect your Administrator of subterfuge; however, you may want to examine your system's security policies and make certain that neither the users nor the administrators take a cavalier attitude toward the security policies.

The following command searches your audit trail for the type of records that can indicate this problem:

sat_reduce -e sat_file_attr_write -e sat_fd_attr_write < satfile

In the interpreted output, look for lines with the Actual name field. Any audit record showing modified attributes for resources in /bin, /sbin, /etc, /lib, /var, /usr/bin, /usr/lib, /usr/share, /usr/bsd, /usr/sbin, or /usr/bin/X11 is an audit record deserving follow-up.

Manipulation of the Audit Trail

The auditor should be the only person to access the audit trail. No other users should read from it, write to it, remove files, or modify file attributes. Look at all records generated by people other than the one who knows the auditor account password, and check that none of those records refer to files in /var/adm/sat or in any other directory you use to store audit trail information.

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