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How to Audit a Specific User

At times, you may wish to examine the audit record of a particular user. For example, the user may have a history of violations of system security or may simply be leaving the project and an accounting of activity may be required.

If the user in question is being audited to determine if attempted security violations are taking place, use the command line:

sat_reduce -P satfile | sat_summarize -u user_name

This command line selects only the audit records that represent attempted violations. The -P flag to sat_reduce selects for attempted violations. The -u flag to the sat_summarize command lists the number of records generated by the user.

It is vitally important to remember that not every record of an attempted violation really represents malicious intent on the part of the user! Most of these records are generated in the course of normal work. The auditor should be looking for a trend, such as repeated attempts to access information unnecessary in the course of normal work (for example, a programmer attempting to access salary or hiring information).

In the second scenario, where the employee is leaving the project, the auditor is looking for a comprehensive list of files used by that employee so that the correct files and directories may be assigned a new owner who is remaining on the project.

The above listed command line provides a basic look at the user's activity. Next, to more closely examine the user's activities, issue the following command:

sat_reduce -u user_name satfile | sat_interpret | more

The sat_reduce command selects all of the audit records generated by the user. Then, the sat_interpret command puts the records into human readable form. The output of sat_interpret is very large. If it is impractical to direct this output to a file, you should direct the output to your screen and view it with a screen paging program such as more.

Using these two command lines, you should be able to view a user's activities and come to a reasonable knowledge of the types of actions the user is taking on the system. You can also generate a specific record, in human-readable form, of all security violations or files and resources accessed.

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