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4.2.1 The OpenGL Utility Library

One benefit of a low-level API is that there are no requirements on how an application must represent or describe higher-level objects (since there is no notion of such objects in the API). Adherence to this principle means that the basic OpenGL API does not support some geometric objects that are traditionally associated with graphics APIs. For instance, an OpenGL implementation need not render concave polygons. One reason for this omission is that concave polygon rendering algorithms are of necessity more complex than those for rendering convex polygons, and different concave polygon algorithms may be appropriate in different domains. In particular, if a concave polygon is to be drawn more than once, it is more efficient to first decompose it into convex polygons (or triangles) once and then draw the convex polygons. Another reason for the omission is that to render a general concave polygon, all of its vertices must first be known. Graphics subsystems do not generally provide the storage necessary for a concave polygon with a (nearly) arbitrary number of vertices. Convex polygons, on the other hand, can be reduced to triangles as they are specified, so no more than three vertices need be stored.

Another example of the distinction between low-level and high-level in OpenGL is the difference between OpenGL evaluators and NURBS. The evaluator interface provides a basis for building a general polynomial curve and surface package on top of OpenGL. One advantage of providing the evaluators in OpenGL instead of a more complex NURBS interface is that applications that represent curves and surfaces as other than NURBS or that make use of special surface properties still have access to efficient polynomial evaluators (that may be implemented in graphics hardware) without incurring the costs of converting to a NURBS representation.

Concave polygons and NURBS are, however, common and useful operators, and they were familiar (at least in some form) to users of IRIS GL. Therefore, a general concave polygon decomposer is provided as part of the OpenGL Utility Library, which is provided with every OpenGL implementation. The Utility Library also provides an interface, built on OpenGL's polynomial evaluators, to describe and display NURBS curves and surfaces (with domain space trimming), as well as a means of rendering spheres, cones, and cylinders. The Utility Library serves both as a means to render useful geometric objects and as a model for building other libraries that use OpenGL for rendering.

In the client-server environment, a utility library raises an issue: utility library commands are converted into OpenGL commands on the client; if the server computer is more powerful than the client, the client-side conversion might have been more effectively carried out on the server. This dilemma arises not just with OpenGL but with any library in which the client and server may be distinct computers. In OpenGL, the base functionality reflects the functions efficiently performed by advanced graphics subsystems, because no matter what the power of the server computer relative to the client, the server's graphics subsystem is assumed to efficiently perform the functions it provides. If in the future, for instance, graphics subsystems commonly provide full trimmed NURBS support, then such functionality should likely migrate from the Utility Library to OpenGL itself. Such a change would not cause any disruption to the rest of the OpenGL API; another block would simply be added to the left side in Figure 1.

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Fri Sep 23 17:28:42 PDT 1994