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Widgets and the Xt Library

A widget is a piece of a user interface. Under IRIS IM, buttons, menus, scroll bars, and drawing windows are all widgets.

It usually makes sense to use one of the standard widget sets. A widget set provides a collection of user interface elements that are already combined for easy use; in effect, widgets consisting of several other widgets. It may contain, for example, a simple window with scrollbars, a simple dialog with buttons, and so on. A standard widget set allows you to easily provide a common look and feel for your applications. The two most common widget sets are OSF/Motif and the Athena widget set from MIT.

Silicon Graphics strongly encourages using IRIS IM, the Silicon Graphics port of OSF/Motif, for conformance with Silicon Graphics user interface style and integration with the Indigo Magic desktop. If you use IRIS IM, your application follows the same conventions as other applications on the desktop and is therefore easier to learn and to use.

The examples in this guide use IRIS IM. Using IRIS IM makes it easier to deal with difficult issues such as text management and cut and paste. IRIS IM makes writing complex applications with many user interface components relatively simple. This simplicity doesn't come for free; an application that has minimal user interactions incurs a performance penalty over the same application written in Xlib. For an introduction to Xlib, see "The Xlib Library".

The Xt Library

Widgets are built using Xt, the X Toolkit Intrinsics, a library of routines for creating and using widgets. Xt is a "meta" toolkit used to build toolkits like Motif or IRIS IM; you can, in effect, use it to extend the existing widgets in your widget sets. Xt uses a callback-driven programming model. It provides tools for common tasks like input handling and animation and frees you from having to handle a lot of the details of Xlib programming.

Note that in most (but not all) cases, using Xlib is necessary only for colormap manipulation, fonts, and mouse and keyboard handling of events. Otherwise, Xt and IRIS IM are enough, though you may pay a certain performance penalty for using widgets instead of programming directly in Xlib.

For More Information

Standard Xt is discussed in detail in O'Reilly, Volume Four. Standard Motif widgets are discussed in more detail in O'Reilly, Volume Six. See "Background Reading" on page xxv for full bibliographic information and for pointers to additional documents about Motif and IRIS IM.

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