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X Window System Concepts

To help you understand how to use your OpenGL program inside the X Window System environment, this section discusses some concepts you will encounter throughout this guide. You learn about


A standard X visual specifies how the server should map a given pixel value to a color to be displayed on the screen. Different windows on the screen can have different visuals.

Currently, GLX allows RGB rendering to TrueColor and DirectColor visuals and color index rendering to StaticColor or PseudoColor visuals. See Table 4-1 for information about the visuals and their supported OpenGL rendering modes. The framebuffer configuration extension allows additional combinations. See "The Framebuffer Configuration Extension".

GLX overloads X visuals to include both the standard X definition of a visual and OpenGL specific information about the configuration of the framebuffer and ancillary buffers that might be associated with a drawable. Only those overloaded visuals support both OpenGL and X rendering--GLX therefore requires that an X server support a high minimum baseline of OpenGL functionality.

When you need visual information,

Not all X visuals support OpenGL rendering, but all Silicon Graphics systems provide at least two OpenGL capable visuals. The exact number and type vary among different hardware systems. An RGBA visual is required for any hardware system that supports OpenGL; a color index visual is required only if the hardware requires color index. To determine the OpenGL configuration of a visual, you must use a GLX function.

Visuals are discussed in some detail in "Using Visuals". Table 4-1 illustrates which X visuals support which type of OpenGL rendering and whether the colormaps for those visuals are writable or not.


A drawable is something X can draw into, either a window or a pixmap. A GLX drawable is something both X and OpenGL can draw into, either an OpenGL capable window or a GLX pixmap. (A GLX pixmap is a handle to an X pixmap that is allocated in a special way; see Figure 4-2.) Different ways of creating a GLX drawable are discussed in "Drawing-Area Widget Setup and Creation", "Creating a Colormap and a Window", and "Using Pixmaps".

Another kind of GLX drawable is the pixel buffer (or pbuffer), which permits hardware-accelerated off-screen rendering. See "The Pixel Buffer Extension".

Rendering Contexts

A rendering context (GLXContext) is an OpenGL data structure that contains the current OpenGL rendering state; an instance of an OpenGL state machine. (For more information, see the section "OpenGL as a State Machine" in Chapter 1, "Introduction to OpenGL," of the OpenGL Programming Guide.) Think of a context as a complete description of how to draw what the drawing commands specify.

At most one rendering context can be bound to at most one window or pixmap in a given thread. If a context is bound, it is considered the current context.

OpenGL routines do not specify a drawable or rendering context as parameters. Instead, they implicitly affect the current bound drawable using the current rendering context of the calling thread.


Resources, in X, are data structures maintained by the server rather than by client programs. Colormaps (as well as windows, pixmaps, and fonts) are implemented as resources.

Rather than keeping information about a window in the client program and sending an entire window data structure from client to server, for instance, window data is stored in the server and given a unique integer ID called an XID. To manipulate or query the window data, the client sends the window's ID number; the server can then perform any requested operation on that window. This reduces network traffic.

Since pixmaps and windows are resources, they are part of the X server and can be shared by different processes (or threads). OpenGL contexts are also resources. In standard OpenGL, they can be shared by threads in the same process but not by separate processes because the API doesn't support this. (Sharing by different processes is possible if the import context extension is supported. See "The Import Context Extension".)

Caution: The term "resource" can, in other X-related contexts, refer to items handled by the Resource Manager, items that users can customize for their own use. Don't confuse the two meanings of the word.


A colormap maps pixel values from the framebuffer to intensities on screen. Each pixel value indexes into the colormap to produce intensities of red, green, and blue for display. Depending on hardware limitations, one or more colormaps may be installed at one time, such that windows associated with those maps display with the correct colors. If there is only one colormap, two windows that load colormaps with different values look correct only when they have colormap focus. On all systems, the colormap is a limited resource.

Every X window needs a colormap. If you're using the OpenGL drawing area-widget to render in RGB mode into a TrueColor visual, you may not need to worry about the colormap. In other cases, you may need to install one. For additional information, see "Using Colormaps". Colormaps are also discussed in detail in O'Reilly, Volume One.

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