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The X Window System on Silicon Graphics Systems

The X Window System is the only window system provided for Silicon Graphics systems running IRIX 4.0 or later.

X is a network-transparent window system: An application need not be running on the same system on which you view its display. In the X client/server model, you can run programs on the local workstation or remotely on other workstations connected by a network. The X server handles input and output and informs client applications when various events occur. A special client, the window manager, places windows on the screen, handles icons, and manages titles and other window decorations.

When you run an OpenGL program in an X environment, window manipulation and event handling are performed by X functions. Rendering can be done with both X and OpenGL. In general, X is for the user interface and OpenGL is used for rendering 3D scenes or for imaging.

The Silicon Graphics X Server

The X server provided by Silicon Graphics includes some enhancements that not all servers have: Support for visuals with different colormaps, overlay windows, the Display PostScript extension, the Shape extension, the X input extension, the Shared Memory extension, the video control extension, and simultaneous displays on multiple graphics monitors. Specifically for working with OpenGL programs, Silicon Graphics offers the GLX extension discussed in the next section.

To see what extensions to the X Window System are available on your current system, execute xdpyinfo and check the extensions named below the "number of extensions" line.

The GLX Extension to X

The GLX extension, which integrates OpenGL and X, is used by X servers that support OpenGL. GLX is both an API and an X extension protocol for supporting OpenGL. GLX routines provide basic interaction between X and OpenGL. Use them, for example, to create a rendering context and bind it to a window.

Compiling With the GLX Extension

To compile a program that uses the GLX extension, include the GLX header file (/usr/include/GL/glx.h), which includes relevant X header files and the standard OpenGL header files. If desired, include also the GLU utility library header file (/usr/include/GL/glu.h).

Table 2-1 provides an overview of the headers and libraries you need to include.

Headers and Link Lines for OpenGL and Associated Libraries
LibraryHeaderLink Line
GLXGL/glx.h-lGL (includes GLX and OpenGL)
X11 -lX11

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