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Testing for CPU Limitation

An application may be CPU limited, geometry limited, or fill limited. Start tuning by checking for a CPU bottleneck. Replace the glVertex3f(), glNormal3f(), and glClear() calls in Test() with glColor3f() calls. This minimizes the number of graphics operations while preserving the normal flow of instructions and the normal pattern of accesses to main memory.

Test(void) {
      float latitude, longitude;
      float dToR = M_PI / 180.0;

      glColor(0, 0, 0);

      for (latitude = -90; latitude < 90; ++latitude) {
            for (longitude = 0; longitude <= 360; ++longitude) {
                  GLfloat x, y, z;
                  x = sin(longitude * dToR) * cos(latitude * dToR);
                  y = sin(latitude * dToR);
                  z = cos(longitude * dToR) * cos(latitude * dToR);
                  glColor3f(x, y, z);
                  glColor3f(x, y, z);
                  x = sin(longitude * dToR) * cos((latitude+1) * dToR);
                  y = sin((latitude+1) * dToR);
                  z = cos(longitude * dToR) * cos((latitude+1) * dToR);
                  glColor3f(x, y, z);
                  glColor3f(x, y, z);

Using the Profiler

The program still renders less than 0.8 frames per second. Because eliminating all graphics output had almost no effect on performance, the program is clearly CPU limited. Use the profiler to determine which function accounts for most of the execution time.

% cc -o perf -O -p perf.c -lGLU -lGL -lX11
% perf
% prof perf
Profile listing generated Wed Jul 19 17:17:03 1995
    with:       prof perf 

samples   time    CPU    FPU   Clock   N-cpu  S-interval Countsize
    219   2.2s  R4000  R4010 100.0MHz   0     10.0ms     0(bytes)
Each sample covers 4 bytes for every 10.0ms (0.46% of 2.1900sec)
-p[rocedures] using pc-sampling.
Sorted in descending order by the number of samples in each procedure.
Unexecuted procedures are excluded.

samples   time(%)      cum time(%)      procedure (file)

    112   1.1s( 51.1)  1.1s( 51.1)      __sin
     29  0.29s( 13.2)  1.4s( 64.4)      Test (perf:perf.c)
     18  0.18s(  8.2)  1.6s( 72.6)      __cos (/usr/lib/
     16  0.16s(  7.3)  1.8s( 79.9)      Finish 
     15  0.15s(  6.8)  1.9s( 86.8)      __glexpim_Color3f
     14  0.14s(  6.4)    2s( 93.2)      _BSD_getime
      3  0.03s(  1.4)  2.1s( 94.5)      __glim_Finish 
      3  0.03s(  1.4)  2.1s( 95.9)      _gettimeofday 
      2  0.02s(  0.9)  2.1s( 96.8)      InitBenchmark (perf:perf.c)
      1  0.01s(  0.5)  2.1s( 97.3)      __glMakeIdentity
      1  0.01s(  0.5)  2.1s( 97.7)      _ioctl
      1  0.01s(  0.5)  2.1s( 98.2)       __glInitAccum64
      1  0.01s(  0.5)  2.2s( 98.6)       _bzero
      1  0.01s(  0.5)  2.2s( 99.1)       GetClock (perf:perf.c)
      1  0.01s(  0.5)  2.2s( 99.5)       strncpy 
      1  0.01s(  0.5)  2.2s(100.0)      _select

    219   2.2s(100.0)  2.2s(100.0)        TOTAL
Almost 60% of the program's time for a single frame is spent computing trigonometric functions (__sin and __cos).

There are several ways to improve this situation. First consider reducing the resolution of the quad strips that model the sphere. The current representation has over 60,000 quads, which is probably more than is needed for a high-quality image. After that, consider other changes. For example:

Because exactly the same sphere is rendered in every frame, the time required to compute the sphere vertices and normals is redundant for all but the very first frame. To eliminate the redundancy, generate the sphere just once, and place the resulting vertices and surface normals in a display list. You still pay the cost of generating the sphere once, and eventually may need to use the other techniques mentioned above to reduce that cost, but at least the sphere is rendered more efficiently:

Test(void) {
      glNewList(1, GL_COMPILE);
      for (latitude = -90; latitude < 90; ++latitude) {
            for (longitude = 0; longitude <= 360; ++longitude) {
                  GLfloat x, y, z;
                  x = sin(longitude * dToR) * cos(latitude * dToR);
                  y = sin(latitude * dToR);
                  z = cos(longitude * dToR) * cos(latitude * dToR);
                  glNormal3f(x, y, z);
                  glVertex3f(x, y, z);
                  x = sin(longitude * dToR) * cos((latitude+1) * dToR);
                  y = sin((latitude+1) * dToR);
                  z = cos(longitude * dToR) * cos((latitude+1) * dToR);
                  glNormal3f(x, y, z);
                  glVertex3f(x, y, z);

      printf("%.2f frames per second\n", Benchmark(Test));
This version of the program achieves a little less than 2.5 frames per second, a noticeable improvement.

When the glClear(), glNormal3f(), and glVertex3f() calls are again replaced with glColor3f(), the program runs at roughly 4 frames per second. This implies that the program is no longer CPU limited, so you need to look further to find the bottleneck.

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