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How to Minimize Memory Paging

This section provides some guidelines for minimizing memory paging. You learn about:

Minimizing Lookup

To minimize page lookup, follow these guidelines:

Minimizing Cache Misses

Each processor may have first-level instruction and data caches on chip and have second-level cache(s) that are bigger but somewhat slower. The sizes of these caches vary; you can use the hinv command to determine the sizes on your system. The first-level data cache is always a subset of the data in the second-level cache.

A cache line is a block of consecutively-addressed words that are treated as a unit by the cache. On a read-miss, a block of several cache lines is read from memory and stored in the cache. The size of this transaction varies from machine to machine (four lines is typical). To minimize cache misses, consider these points:

Second-level data cache misses also increase bus traffic, which can be a problem in a multi-processing application. This can happen with multiple processes traversing very large data sets. See "Immediate Mode Drawing Versus Display Lists" for additional information.

Measuring Cache-Miss and Page-Fault Overhead

To find out if cache and memory usage are a significant part of your CPU limitation, follow these guidelines:

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