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How Memory Is Organized

Most systems do not have an unlimited amount of fast memory. To approach this ideal, system memory is structured as a hierarchy that contains a small amount of faster, more expensive memory at the top and a large amount of slower memory at the base.

The hierarchy is organized from registers in the CPU at the top down to the disks at the bottom. As memory locations are referenced, they are automatically copied into higher levels of the hierarchy, so data that is referenced most often migrates to the fastest memory locations.

Here are the areas you should be most concerned about:

The goal of machine designers and programmers is to maximize the chance of finding data as high up in the memory hierarchy as possible. To achieve this goal, algorithms for maintaining the hierarchy, embodied in the hardware and the operating system, assume that programs have locality of reference in both time and space; that is, programs keep frequently accessed locations close together. Performance increases if you respect the degree of locality required by each level in the memory hierarchy.

Even applications that appear not to be memory intensive, in terms of total number of memory locations accessed, may suffer unnecessary performance penalties for inefficient allocation of these resources. An excess of cache misses, especially misses on read operations, can force the most optimized code to be CPU limited. Memory paging causes almost any application to be severely CPU limited.

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