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Chapter 11: Tuning Graphics Applications: Fundamentals

Tuning your software makes it use hardware capabilities more effectively. This chapter looks at tuning graphics applications. It discusses pipeline tuning as a conceptual framework for tuning graphics applications, and introduces some other fundamentals of tuning:

Writing high-performance code is usually more complex than just following a set of rules. Most often, it involves making trade-offs between special functions, quality, and performance for a particular application. For more information about the issues you need to consider, and for a tuning example, look at the following chapters in this book:

After reading these chapters, experiment with the different techniques described to help you decide where to make these trade-offs.

Note: If optimum performance is crucial, consider using the IRIS Performer rendering toolkit. See "Maximizing Performance With IRIS Performer".

Why Is Tuning Useful?
What Is Pipeline Tuning?
Tuning Animation
Optimizing Cache and Memory Use
Taking Timing Measurements

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