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Commands for Basic Interaction

You can perform all basic interaction using the row of buttons just below the menu bar. You can access the same commands using the Commands menu. This section describes each command, including the keyboard shortcut (also listed in the Commands menu).

Command Buttons and Shortcuts
Continue Ctrl+CResumes program execution after execution has been stopped (such as after encountering a breakpoint or after you used the Halt or Step command). The program continues running until it reaches another breakpoint or until you explicitly halt it.
Halt Ctrl+HTemporarily stops the application. All state and program information is retained so you can continue execution if you wish.
Continues executing up to the next OpenGL call, then stops before executing that call.
Skips over the OpenGL command that's about to execute. Useful if you think that command contains an error, or is likely to cause one. The program executes until it reaches the next OpenGL call, then stops.

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