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Why Use the Framebuffer Configuration Extension?

Use this extension

This section briefly explores the three new features provided by the extension.

Describing a Drawable With a GLXFBConfig Construct

Currently GLX overloads X visuals so they have additional buffers and other characteristics needed for OpenGL rendering. This extension packages GLX drawables by defining a new construct, a GLXFBConfig, that encapsulates GLX drawable capabilities and has the following properties:

Less-Rigid Similarity Requirements When Matching Context and Drawable

In OpenGL 1.0, when you associate a drawable with a GLX context by calling glXMakeCurrent(), the two have to be "similar"; that is, they must have been created with the same visual. This extension relaxes the requirement; it only requires the context and drawable to be compatible. This is less restrictive and implies the following:

Note that when a context is created, it has an associated rendering type: GLX_RGBA_TYPE_SGIX or GLX_COLOR_INDEX_TYPE_SGIX.

Less-Rigid Match of GLX Visual and X Visual

The current GLX specification requires that the GLX_RGBA visual attribute be associated only with TrueColor and DirectColor X visuals. This extension makes it possible to do RGBA rendering to windows created with visuals of type PseudoColor, StaticColor, GrayScale, and StaticGray. In each case, the red component is used to generate the display, and the green and blue components, if present, are ignored for display purposes.

The OpenGL RGBA rendering semantics are more powerful than the OpenGL index rendering semantics. By extending the X visual types that can be associated with an RGBA color buffer, this extension allows RGBA rendering semantics to be used with pseudo-color and gray-scale displays. A particularly useful application of this extension is support of one- and two-component RGBA drawables (a two-component visual has zero-size green and blue components; a one-component visual has, in addition, a zero-size alpha component).

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