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Chapter 9: Extensions to GLX

GLX is an extension to the X Window System that makes OpenGL available in an
X Window System environment. All GLX functions and other elements have the prefix glX (just as all OpenGL elements have the prefix gl) For more information about GLX, see "The GLX Extension to the X Window System" in this document, and Appendix D, "The OpenGL Extension to the X Window System," in the OpenGL Programming Guide.

This chapter explains how to use extensions to GLX. You learn about:

The following sections describe extensions that are experimental:

Note: Using OpenGL in an X Window System environment is discussed in the following chapters of this guide:

The Make Current Read Extension
The Visual Info Extension
The Visual Rating Extension
The Video Synchronization Extension
The Swap Control Extension
The Import Context Extension
The Framebuffer Configuration Extension
The Pixel Buffer Extension
The Video Source Extension

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