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Blending Extensions

Blending refers to the process of combining color values from a source (an incoming pixel fragment) with current values of the stored pixel in the framebuffer (the destination). The final effect is that parts of a scene appear translucent. In OpenGL 1.0, you specify the blending operation by calling glBlendFunc(), then enable or disable blending using glEnable() or glDisable() with GL_BLEND.

Blending is discussed in the first section of Chapter 7, "Blending, Antialiasing, and Fog," of the OpenGL Programming Guide. The section also lists a number of sample uses of blending.

This section explains how to use extensions that support color blending for images and rendered geometry in a variety of ways:

The Constant Color Blending Extension
The Minmax Blending Extension
The Logical Operation Blending Extension
The Blend Subtract Extension

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