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What the Different Pixel Types Mean

Each packed pixel type includes a base type, for example GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, and a field width (for example, 3_3_2):

Because of this ordering scheme, integer constants (particularly hexadecimal constants) can be used to specify pixel values in a readable and system-independent way. For example, a packed pixel with type GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_4_4_4_4_EXT, format GL_RGBA, and color components red == 1, green == 2, blue == 3, alpha == 4 has the value 0x1234.

The ordering scheme also allows packed pixel values to be computed with system-independent code. For example, if there are four variables (red, green, blue, alpha) containing the pixel's color component values, a packed pixel of type GL_UNSIGNED_INT_10_10_10_2_EXT and format GL_RGBA can be computed with the following C code:

GLuint pixel, red, green, blue, alpha; 
pixel = (red << 22) | (green << 12) | (blue << 2) | alpha;
While the source code that manipulates packed pixels is identical on both big-endian and little-endian systems, you still need to enable byte swapping when drawing packed pixels that have been written in binary form by a system with different endianness.

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